Process to obtain YSBA Certification
Baseball Ontario First Aider (Trainer) Rule  (Link to OBA Site)
1)  Download the following form
2) Review and complete request form.
3) Submit to the via email to the YSBA Policy & Procedures committee chair for approval
** ensure proof of certification is attached
4) YSBA - CPPC will review and approve/reject based on OBA established first aid rule (see OBA First Aider Policy)
5) If approved a Trainer number will be issued, this code is to be listed on the OBA roster
a)     One or more First Aiders may be added to any team roster.
b)     Valid and current supporting documentation for the First Aider qualifications must be submitted to the office with the roster submission.
c)     The qualifications of an individual as a First Aider are based on the list of equivalencies provided by Baseball Ontario on an annual basis. An individual may petition Baseball Ontario to be accepted as a First Aider on the basis of credentials not listed on the equivalencies provided by Baseball Ontario. Baseball Ontario will review the qualifications and may, at its discretion, approve the individual as a First Aider.
d)     A rostered First Aider is a nonā€uniformed member of the team who may be present on the bench in order to easily access the field to attend to injured players
e)     A rostered First Aider is restricted from engaging in coaching activities (including disputing calls with the umpire). Violation of this rule may result in the First Aider’s removal from the bench or ejection.
f)      A rostered First Aider is expected to be available to attend to players, coaches or other attendees from either team and/or umpires in need of attention.
g)     A rostered First Aider is expected to be familiar with the Baseball Ontario Concussion Management Protocol and be willing to provide an unbiased opinion about player removal as per the protocol
First Aider Acceptable Qualifications;
  • Level 2 or 3 Hockey Canada Trainers Certification Program (HTCP) issued by a recognized provincial or national hockey association
  • Trainers certificate issued by a Provincial Sports Authority
  • Registered Medical Doctor
  • Registered Nurse
  • Registered Practical Nurse
  • Occupational Health Nurse
  • Physical Therapist (CATC C)
  • Paramedic/Firefighter
  • Military Medic
  • Any individual who has completed Emergency or Standard First Aid Certification from a WSIB approved** training agency (see Link Below)
  • An individual whose application of equivalency of professional qualifications or certificationis approved by Baseball Ontario

 **WSIB Providers Approved to Deliver Emergency and Standard First Aid (Click here for link)